Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Lip balm makes a difference.
I wonder how it would work
on my whole face?

A warming, absorbing, negating
on the wind as it slaps my face.


Even the inside of Tim Horton's
looks good.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Book Lists

I've been thinking that we could begin compiling book lists so that we end up with a big surplus of books that we can't wait to read. The following is a link to Keri Smith's list of recommended reading, which she's broken down into a few categories. She's an independent freelance illustrator, so many of them are geared towards her life's work, but there are also a number of choices here that are of interest to me as well.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


This is a book unlike any book I have ever read. It wasn't an easy read, I actually felt nauseous at times. But I now feel more aware and (dare I say) educated about a part of the world to which I had very little insight. It's rare that a book changes or impacts your point of view on something, and this one certainly did for me. I'm not sure I'm ready to see all of Islam as something dangerous and hateful towards women, but she wages a pretty string argument: it is not OK to sit back on our ideas of religious tolerance and fear of being politically insensitive and allow all this systematic deep seated oppression to continue unchallenged.

Further- what a journey we get the honour of witnessing. Both physically and spiritually. She charts the evolution of her own values and intellectual awakening with such precision and rigor. Causes one to reassess their own processes. The why and how of beliefs and values is fascinating territory and I have to say, after reading this book I thought for days about why I believe things I do (about religion and otherwise). And how little I really challenge myself to deeply inspect the things I value. What an impressive accomplishment this book is- and her life. I'll never think about Islam the same way again.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This is the first time I've checked it! I like the idea of it.. and of The Infidel. MAybe we could make the meeting a little later in October? I think I am due to host.. I do have a roomie moving in for a few months... so if you would like to host, Joyita, I'm fine with that. But I am happy to host either way..
Let me know and I'll send an email out with all the info.
Hope Alberta is good. And Toronto!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

my vote

Hey bookworms,

I say we read Infidel. If no one else has offered yet, I can host. The middle of October seems good, considering we haven't chosen the book yet. Is this blog the best way to communicate? Who's checking it regularly?

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Another Idea

Hi Goldies,

Are people up for another suggestion? Not to derail anyone who has already gotten going on By Grand Central, but it seems like there might be time for another suggestion.

Here is a book I'm really interested in, that is right in line with our female focussed philosophy.

Perhaps if not now, then at some time in the future? It's a memoir and also a survivor story as well as a unique view on the world of Islam.

Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Here are some reviews;


As for timing, how is October 8th or 15th? Not sure when Tasha is back...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

We haven't done a dramatic romance...

Hi Golden Girls,

I started reading Grand Central Station years ago, but never made it through. As I recall, it is a very intenselly romantic book, something we haven't tried yet.

I'm up for anything...did we choose a date? Did we discuss new member possibility?